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    The RC Department's Vision

    To be a center of excellence in Respiratory Care education and innovation to improve the health of society

    رؤية قسم العناية التنفسية

    أن يكون مركزًا للتميّز في التعليم والابتكار في مجال العناية التنفسية لتحسين صحة المجتمع

    The suggested department vision statement is realistic and motivating

    The suggested Vision statement motivates daughter\ son to achieve her\his ambition

    The suggested Vision statement meets current employment and entrepreneurial needs

    The suggested vision statement meets my expectations from an education system

    In general, I agree with the proposed vision of the department

    Feedback/ Comments

    The RC Department’s Mission

    The Respiratory Care department is dedicated to provide a high-quality education for students, fostering the development of respiratory care professionals, and promoting research as well as respiratory care services to society

    رسالة قسم العناية التنفسية

    يسعى قسم العناية التنفسية إلى تقديم تعليم عالي الجودة للطلاب وتطوير متخصصي الرعاية التنفسية وتشجيع البحث العلمي والشراكة المجتمعية

    The suggested mission statement is compelling and achievable

    The suggested mission statement is simple and clear

    The suggested mission statement helps to produce highly qualified healthcare professionals, suitable for the job market

    The suggested mission statement aligns with the

    Saudi Vision 2030

    In general, I agree with the proposed mission of the department

    Feedback/ Comments

    Mission of the Master program

    To create an environment for learning and research that will prepare advanced-level professionals in the field of respiratory care to meet society’s needs

    رسالة برنامج الماجستير

    خلق بيئة للتعلم والبحث العلمي من شأنها إعداد مهنيين محترفين على مستوى متقدم في مجال العناية التنفسية لتلبية احتياجات المجتمع

    The suggested mission statement is compelling and achievable

    The suggested mission statement is simple and clear

    The suggested mission statement helps to produce highly qualified healthcare professionals, suitable for the job market

    The suggested mission statement aligns with the

    Saudi Vision 2030

    In general, I agree with the proposed mission of the program

    Feedback/ Comments

    Goals for Master program

    Goal No 1: Enhance and expand an advanced educational environment that meets the expectations of stakeholders
    Goal No 2: Develop, deliver and maintain a curriculum that produces advanced qualified respiratory care professionals
    Goal No 3: Develop a research culture among the faculty and students with an emphasis to improve the scholarly output that promotes community health and well-being

    أهداف برنامج الماجستير

    الهدف رقم 1: تنمية بيئة تعليمية متطورة تلبي تطلعات المستفيدين
    الهدف رقم 2: تطوير وتقديم منهج دراسي لتأهيل متخصصين في مجال العناية التنفسية والمحافظة على جودة هذه المناهج
    الهدف رقم 3: تطوير ثقافة البحث العلمي بين أعضاء هيئة التدريس والطلاب مع التركيز على جودة النشر العلمي مما يعزز صحة المجتمع ورفاهيته

    The suggested goals are aligned with the mission and vision of the program and

    Saudi Vision 2030

    The suggested goals meet parents’ expectations

    The suggested goals include transforming students into responsible citizens

    In general, I agree with the proposed goals of the program

    Feedback/ Comments